Meet the Instructors

About this course

Dentistry is an ever-evolving field with continuous advancements, making it crucial to stay updated onthe latest techniques and materials. This course provides comprehensive knowledge and practicalskills in adhesive dentistry, composites, ceramics, and posterior restorations.

Lecture 1:

Lecture 1 on composites covers the essential sciences for understanding adhesive dentistry, focusingon material selection, shade matching, and clinical procedures for composite placement and polishing.

Lecture 2:

Lecture 2 on ceramics delves into the fundamentals of ceramics, emphasizing diagnosis, treatmentplanning, material selection, and lab communication. It also covers shade matching, photography, andtooth preparation for ceramic laminates.

Lecture 3:

Lecture 3 on posterior restorations provides insights into the anatomy and morphology of posteriorteeth, restorative materials, and cavity preparation techniques like inlays and onlays. It also coversbonding agents, restorative material placement, occlusion techniques, and postoperative care.


  • Topic 1: Mastering the Art of Seamless Composite Restorations
  • Topic 2: Smile Make Over with Ceramic Laminates
  • Topic 3 Partially Bonded Restoration for Posterior Rehab

Objectives of The Course :

At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Master the selection of materials and techniques in adhesive dentistry and ceramics
  • Develop proficiency in essential clinical procedures for composites, ceramics, andposterior restorations.
  • Understand and manage complications associated with dental restorations.

Target Audience :


  • Dentists.

CME Disclosure

For the use of a registered medical practitioner, hospital or laboratory only. This certification course is offered for updating of knowledge by HCPs, with support from Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Limited. No part of this content may be used, reproduced, transmitted or stored in any form without the written permission of the organizer.

Course FAQs

click to open accordion Who can take this course?

Dentists & also Aspiring Healthcare Professionals.

click to open accordion What is the course format?

The course is organized into two modules and includes additional resources specific to each one. Registration for the course is always open.

click to open accordion Is there a free trial available?

As soon as you enroll in a course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).

click to open accordion What background knowledge is necessary?

Yes, some background knowledge pertaining the subject will be necessary. This course is directed towards Dentist, Dental Professionals.

click to open accordion Is work experience necessary?

Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the courses on help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.

time Registration ends soon.